
Can you hear crisis?

BBC Music Magazine:
“… the play­ing is exqui­si­te­ly jud­ged, shif­ting bet­ween fra­gi­li­ty and strength, ali­en­ati­on and fami­lia­ri­ty. The recor­ded sound is inti­ma­te, crea­ting com­pel­ling sonic affinities.”

„It’s a high-con­cept offe­ring, almost a play­list of music to des­pair to, and a stoic remin­der, per­haps, of the trau­mas that composers
have expe­ri­en­ced in the past, plus three spe­ci­al­ly com­mis­sio­ned con­tem­po­ra­ry reflec­tions on our cur­rent dif­fi­cul­ties. There’s a certain
frus­tra­ti­on at most­ly hea­ring only excis­ed move­ments from lon­ger works, but sur­ren­der to that approach and this album’s more than 80-min­u­­te dura­ti­on makes for an immense­ly powerful, moving and emo­tio­nal­ly drai­ning lis­ten. (..) It’s a wit­ti­ly mischie­vous con­cept, but in many ways also the most des­pai­ring of all the music on this bril­li­ant­ly con­cei­ved, pro­found­ly affec­ting release.“

Tagesspiegel: Kann man die Krise hören?

Radio Ö1: “Dem Kuss Quartett ist damit ein so inter­es­san­tes wie berüh­ren­des Konzeptalbum gelun­gen. Es zeigt, wel­che Kraft und Relevanz, aber auch trös­ten­de Wirkung Musik ent­fal­ten kann, wenn sie aus per­sön­li­chen, poli­ti­schen oder the­ma­ti­schen Zwängen entsteht.”

NDR /Christoph Vratz:
“Dem Kuss Quartett ist eine the­ma­tisch auf­schluss­rei­che, künst­le­risch sehr dif­fe­ren­zier­te Einspielung gelun­gen, die durch ihre sti­lis­ti­sche Vielfalt über­zeugt. Es gibt immer noch Formen der Krise, die einen opti­mis­tisch stimmen.“




From ‘free time’ (our last album was cal­led ‘Berlin FREETime’) to ‘CRISIS’ … For after the cul­tu­ral was­te­land of the pan­de­mic years of 2020/21, we are forced to ack­now­ledge that our lives in the socie­ties we live and work in aren’t loo­king much bet­ter. Instead of the new free­dom we had hoped for and the blos­so­ming of new artis­tic col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons in a hap­pier time free of cares and worries, war in Europe bro­ke out, to the alarm and con­s­ter­na­ti­on of us all, brin­ging des­truc­tion, ter­ror and death as well as mas­si­ve issues.

Krise/Crisis draws upon music com­po­sed over the past 250 years that embraces emo­tio­nal turm­oil, suf­fe­ring, and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal stres­ses. Some of the music was com­po­sed during peri­ods of deep per­so­nal trau­ma for the com­po­sers which include, Haydn, Shostakovich, Mendelssohn, Janacek, Schubert, Bartok and more. This is music for our trou­bled times.

Recorded on the label Rubicon Classics the album is available as a digi­tal ver­si­on at the end of November and as a phy­si­cal ver­si­on from January 2023.

The works by Birke Bertelsmeier and Francesco Ciurlo bene­fi­ted from the spon­sor­ship of the German Music Competition. Óscar Escudero’s work recei­ved con­cept fun­ding from the State of Lower Saxony as part of the Musik21 pro­gram­me. The pro­ject as a who­le is the reci­pi­ent of a grant from the German Federal Cultural Foundation. Our pro­duc­tion part­ner was Bavarian Broadcasting.
Many thanks to them all!

Next concerts

Next concerts

Unfortunately, our live per­for­man­ces are still very limi­t­ed, the first time we can be tog­e­ther on stage is June 14th at the Konzerthaus Dortmund. Together with our fri­ends from Nico & the Navigators the pro­gram “NOW — Force and Freedom, Beethoven Variations in Corona Times” will be per­for­med. We are very gra­teful that the Konzerthaus Dortmund is a part­ner in at least a par­ti­al rea­liza­ti­on of our spe­cial Beethoven project.
Further con­certs in Hanover, at Schloss Elmau and at the Hitzacker Summer Music Festival are still planned,but have not yet been final­ly deci­ded / con­firm­ed. We will keep you up to date and hope that we can pro­vi­de you with more good news and of cour­se live music again soon.
Yours sin­ce­re­ly, the Kuss Quartet

“Force and Freedom” — digital version

Force and Freedom” — digital version

Together with the Kuss Quartet, the ensem­ble Nico and the Navigators wan­ted to con­tri­bu­te to the Beethoven year 2020 an extra­or­di­na­ry per­for­mance on various euro­pean stages: the title was “Force and Freedom”, they wan­ted «music in the exis­ten­ti­al ten­si­on bet­ween exter­nal cons­traints and inner free­dom with its indis­so­lu­b­le con­trast bet­ween explo­re sub­jec­ti­ve desi­res and objec­ti­ve rea­li­ty in which Beethoven had to move and assert throug­hout his life. »
The pre­mie­re would have taken place on May 1, 2020 as part of the Schwetzingen SWR Festival, fur­ther per­for­man­ces were plan­ned at Kissinger Sommer, the Konzerthaus Dortmund, at BOZAR Brussels and Radialsystem Berlin.

On March 18, 2020, rehear­sals had to be stop at the Berlin Ufer stu­di­os, the pre­mie­re on May 1, 2020, tog­e­ther with the enti­re Schwetzingen Festival, has been can­ce­led and is now post­po­ned to next year.

At the begin­ning of April, howe­ver, an online pro­ject was initia­ted, which is based on the work on Force and Freedom and in addi­ti­on to the ques­ti­ons asked the­re, also nego­tia­tes the cur­rent rest­ric­tions on life. In short, fast or medi­ta­ti­ve clips, which are based on the com­ple­te recor­ding of all Beethoven Quartets, indi­vi­du­al minia­tures of the artists are put tog­e­ther, which as a gro­wing digi­tal dia­ry are small memo­ries such as time cap­su­les or remi­nis­cen­ces of the pre­sent situa­ti­on of social distancing.

It is a tech­ni­que bey­ond the usu­al strea­ming: the choice of the pie­ces and the cut of the sce­nes put the snapshots in con­text and deve­lop a who­le, a digi­tal sta­ging out of frag­ments. This method can­not replace the com­mon expe­ri­ence of a phy­si­cal per­for­mance. Rather, the work is an expres­si­on of the individual’s lon­ging for each other, which should be pre­ser­ved as a las­ting expe­ri­ence from this crisis. ”

The indi­vi­du­al sequen­ces can alre­a­dy be fol­lo­wed on social media. The enti­re dia­ry you can watch HERE.

At the end of this path the­re is an extra­or­di­na­ry memo­ry game, which can be put tog­e­ther from a sel­ec­tion of a total of 29 clips. If you find the right solu­ti­on, you can take part in the raff­le of tickets at Schwetzinger Festspiele 2021!

Kuss @IDAGIO Live

Kuss @IDAGIO Live

The Kuss Quartet is invi­ted at IDAGIO Live for a litt­le series with four epi­so­des start­ing April 29th — along­side with artists like Iván Fischer, Kirill Gerstein, Thomas Hampson and others, pre­sen­ting their recor­dings, musi­cal ide­as and insights on the Classical Streaming App.
Every Wednesday from 7 pm: CLICK

Out Now! All Beethoven Quartets Live from Suntory Hall

Out Now! All Beethoven Quartets Live from Suntory Hall

We are immense­ly hap­py to pre­sent you the result from many years of our quar­tet life.
Finally, the CD box with 8 CDs have just been released at Rubicon Classics.
Many thanks to our sound engi­neer Dirk Fischer, the Nippon Music Fondation for the loan of the Stradivari quar­tet, to the Henle Verlag for the Urtext mate­ri­al, to the Suntory Hall Tokyo for the gre­at coope­ra­ti­on and many num­e­rous hel­pers, sup­port­ers and sponsors.
We wish our audi­ence lot of joy and plea­su­re at their homes while lis­tening to the album!
Available here:
Amazon UK
IDAGIO, Spotify und iTunes

Concerts cancelled

Concerts cancelled

Dear fri­ends, dear fans,

unfort­u­na­te­ly we have to let you know that our con­certs in Warstein, Paderborn, Kleve as well as Hameln and Amsterdam have been can­ce­led or post­po­ned. The coro­na­vi­rus pan­de­mic has rea­ched Germany as well.
If you like, you can purcha­se our new CD, which will be released on March 27th and at least lis­ten to our Beethoven cycle at home! We hope for bet­ter times soon, stay healt­hy and safe,

best regards from the Kuss Quartet

Highlights 2019/20

Highlights 2019/20

The Kuss Quartet con­ti­nues per­forming Beethovens String Quartet cycle in the upco­ming sea­son, which they will per­form in seve­ral con­certs in October & March in Hanover. Furthermore, the ensem­ble appears twice at Wigmore Hall London, at the Quartet Biennale in Paris and at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam as well as in many other cities such as Berlin, Hamburg, Kiel, Dannenberg. Siegen, Kleve, Paderborn, Heiligendamm and Schloss Elmau.
The four of them are deligh­ted about the invi­ta­ti­on by Hungarian pia­nist Dénes Várjon to his cham­ber music fes­ti­val in November 2019 in Budapest, whe­re they will per­form with Várjon hims­elf and again with cel­list Miklós Perényi.
The inten­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Nico & the Navigators will be con­tin­ued for the Beethoven pro­ject “Force & Freedom” with its pre­mie­re at the Schwetzinger Festspiele in May 2020.
Further per­for­man­ces will take place at Konzerthaus Dortmund, Palais de Beaux-Arts Brussels and at the Kissinger Sommer Festival. All details and links can be found HERE.




May 2024


12/05/2024 20:00

Sulchan Zinzadse: Miniaturen für Streichquartett, Bauerntanz
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Streichquartett Nr. 18 A‑Dur KV 464 (1785)
Francisco Coll: Streichquartett Nr. 1 “Códices”
Béla Bartók: Streichquartett Nr. 6 Sz 114 (1939)
Gomidas Vartabed Komitas: Lieder (bear­bei­tet von Sergey Aslamazyan), Ampela (Wolken), Habrban (Festliches Lied)


14/05/2024 20:00

Sulchan Zinzadse: Miniaturen für Streichquartett, Bauerntanz
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Streichquartett Nr. 18 A‑Dur KV 464 (1785)
Francisco Coll: Streichquartett Nr. 1 “Códices”
Béla Bartók: Streichquartett Nr. 6 Sz 114 (1939)
Gomidas Vartabed Komitas: Lieder (bear­bei­tet von Sergey Aslamazyan), Ampela (Wolken), Habrban (Festliches Lied)



26/05/2024 19:00

Manfred Trojahn: Streichquartett Nr. 3
Ludwig van Beethoven: Große Fuge B‑Dur op. 133
Manfred Trojahn: Streichquartett Nr. 5
Franz Schubert: Streichquartett d‑Moll D 810 „Der Tod und das Mädchen“



30/05/2024 18:00

W.A. Mozart: String Quartet No. 18 KV 464

Palazzo d’Arco — Sala degli Antenati


31/05/2024 15:30

E. W. Korngold: Klavierquintett
with Alexander Lonquich

@Teatro Bibiena

Trame Sonore Festival

Jun 2024


01/06/2024 10:00

F. Schubert: Streichquartett Nr. 14  d‑Moll “Der Tod und das Mädchen”

@Palazzo Vescovile — Salone degli Arazzi

Trame Sonore Festival


14/06/2024 20:00

Leos Janácek: Streichquartett Nr. 1 ”Kreutzer Sonate”
Robert Schumann: Klavierquintett Es-Dur op. 44
Robert Schumann: Noveletten für Klavier op. 21 Nr. 8
Erich Wolfgang Korngold: Klavierquintett E‑Dur op. 15

mit Alexander Lonquich, Klavier


16/06/2024 20:00

Leoš Janácek: Streichquartett Nr. 1 „Kreutzer Sonate‘‘
Robert Schumann: Klavierquintett Es-Dur op. 44
Robert Schumann: Noveletten für Klavier op. 21 Nr. 8
Erich Wolfgang Korngold: Klavierquintett E‑Dur op. 15

mit Alexander Lonquich, Klavier


Jul 2024


27/07/2024 17:05

Arnold Schönberg (1874–1951) „Verklärte Nacht“ u.a.

Kuss Quartett
Julia Hagen – Violoncello
Sào Soulez Larivière – Viola
Anna Thalbach – Rezitation



30/07/2024 20:08

Ernst Gernot Klussmann: Streichquartett Nr. 1 op. 7
Erich W. Korngold: Klavierquintett E‑Dur

Kuss Quartett & Alexander Lonquich, Klavier


Apr 2024


28/04/2024 20:00

Force & Freedom

with Nico & the Navigators

Shanghai Concert Hall


26/04/2024 20:00

Silent Songs into the wild”
A Staged Concert

with Nico & the Navigators

Shanghai Concert Hall


09/04/2024 20:00


Mar 2024


01/03/2024 19:30


Werke von Haydn, Schubert, Janacek, Schostakowitsch, Bartok, Ciurlo, Bertelsmeier, Escudero u.a.

@Orangerie Herrenhausen

Feb 2024


28/02/2024 20:15

W.A.Mozart: Streichquartett A‑Dur KV 464
Francisco Coll: Streichquartett „Códices“ (Kompositionsauftrag von Kammermusik Basel, Konzerthaus Berlin, Wigmore Hall, Het Concertgebouw und Musik 21 Niedersachsen)

B.Bartók: Streichquartett Nr. 6 Sz 114
W.A. Mozart: Marsch C‑Dur KV 408/1, bear­bei­tet für Streichquartett

@Het Concertgebouw


27/02/2024 20:00

J. Haydn: L’introduzione, aus: Die sie­ben letz­ten Worte unse­rers Erlösers am Kreuze
Franz Schubert: Scherzo, aus: Streichquartett d‑Moll Nr. 14 D 810 “Der Tod und das Mädchen”
Béla Bartók: Mesto, aus: Streichquartett Nr. 6 Sz114
Dmitri Schostakowitsch: Largo, aus: Streichquartett Nr. 8 c‑Moll op. 110
Birke Bertelsmeier: KRISE
Komitas: Armenian Folk Miniatures “Spring”
Bedrich Smetana: Vivace, aus: Streichquartett Nr. 1 e‑Moll “Aus mei­nem Leben”
Leos Janácek: Con moto, aus: Streichquartett Nr. 1 “Kreutzersonate”
Oscar Escudero: <POST> for string quartet
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Streichquartett A‑Dur KV 464



26/02/2024 20:00

W.A. Mozart: String Quartet No. 18, K 464
4 Folk Tunes
— —
Birke Bertelsmeier: Krise
I. Stravinsky:  Concertino
B. Bartók — String Quartet No. 3

Teatro La Fenice, Sale Apollinee


25/02/2024 20:00

W.A. Mozart: String Quartet No. 18, K 464
4 Folk Tunes
— —
Birke Bertelsmeier: Krise
I. Stravinsky:  Concertino
B. Bartók — String Quartet No. 3

Teatro La Fenice, Sale Apollinee

Dec 2023


04/12/2023 19:30

W. A. Mozart: Streichquintett D‑Dur KV 593
Mark Andre: 7 Stücke für Streichquartett
Birke Bertelsmeier: „Krise“ für Streichquartett
W. A. Mozart: Streichquintett C‑Dur KV 515

with Muriel G. Razavi, Viola
Veronika Hagen, Viola


Nov 2023


29/11/2023 — 01/12/2023

CD Recording


21/11/2023 20:00

Max Reger: Streichquartett Es-Dur op. 109
Franz Schubert: Streichquartett Nr. 14 d‑Moll, op. posth. D 810  “Der Tod und das Mädchen”



19/11/2023 17:00

Franz Schubert: Streichquartett Nr. 14 d‑Moll („Der Tod und das Mädchen“)
mit einer Ballett-Choreografie von Lars Scheibner

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Requiem d‑Moll KV 626 (ver­voll­stän­digt von Franz Xaver Süßmayr)
mit einer Tanzinstallation von Lars Scheibner (Uraufführung)

@Theater Hameln & Marktkirche Nicolai


18/11/2023 18:00

Franz Schubert: Streichquartett Nr. 14 d‑Moll („Der Tod und das Mädchen“)
mit einer Ballett-Choreografie von Lars Scheibner

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Requiem d‑Moll KV 626 (ver­voll­stän­digt von Franz Xaver Süßmayr)
mit einer Tanzinstallation von Lars Scheibner (Uraufführung)

@Theater Hameln & Marktkirche Nicolai


07/11/2023 20:00

J.S. Bach: Concerto Italiano BWV 971 (arran­ge­ment for quin­tet with cla­ri­net by Domenico Clapasson)
B. Bartók: Strings Quartet no. 6 in D major SZ 114
W.A. Mozart: Clarinet Quintet in A major KV581

Daniel Roscia, clarinet



05/11/2023 17:00



Oct 2023


31/10/2023 19:30

W.A. Mozart: Streichquartett Nr. 18, A‑dur, KV 464
Francisco Coll: Streichquartett Nr. 1 (2023)
B.Bartók: Streichquartett Nr. 6, Sz 114
Volksweisen aus Armenien und Georgien


Sep 2023

Stein am Rhein

17/09/2023 17:00

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Streichquartett A‑dur KV 464
Francesco Ciurlo: Hasta pul­veri­zar­se los ojos
Birke Bertelsmeier: Krise
Joseph Haydn: Mich dürstet
Belà Bartók: 6. Streichquartett

Kirche Burg


09/09/2023 20:00

Werke von Haydn, Schubert, Janacek, Bartok, Schostakowitsch, Bertelsmeier, Ciurlo, Andre, Weinberg

mit Péter Nagy, Klavier

@Rittersaal Schloss Weikersheim


06/09/2023 — 17/09/2023

Jeunesses Musicales International Chamber Music Campus

Aug 2023

Roque d’Antéron (Festival de Quatuors de Lubéron)

30/08/2023 18:30

W. A. Mozart : Streichquartett KV 465 op.10 Nr. 6 “Dissonanzen”
Mark Andre : Sept piè­ces pour qua­tu­or à cordes
L. v. Beethoven : Streichquartett Nr. 16 op. 135

@Abbaye de Silvacane

Goult (Festival de Quatuors de Lubéron)

28/08/2023 20:30

J. Haydn : Streichquartett op. 20 Nr. 2
B. Bertelsmeier : Krise
L. v. Beethoven : Streichquartett op. 131 Nr.14



06/08/2023 11:11

Birke Jasmin Bertelsmeier (*1981): Krise (2021 für das Kuss Quartett)
Mozart: Streichquintett D‑Dur für zwei Violinen, zwei Violen und Violoncello KV 593
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Streichquintett g‑Moll für zwei Violinen, zwei Violen und Violoncello KV 516

mit Garth Knox, Viola


04/08/2023 20:08

Mozart: Streichquintett Quintett B‑Dur für zwei Violinen, zwei Violen und Violoncello KV 174
Mark Andre (*1964): Sieben Stücke für Streichquartett (2022)
Mozart: Streichquintett Es-Dur für zwei Violinen, zwei Violen und Violoncello KV 614


03/08/2023 14:02

Mozart: Streichquintett C‑Dur für zwei Violinen, zwei Violen und Violoncello KV 515
mit Tomoko Akasaka



Jul 2023


07/07/2023 18:00

NDR Kultur Foyerkonzert on tour

W.A. Mozart: Streichquintett B‑Dur KV 174 1. Satz
Birke Bertelsmeier „Krise“ (für Kuss Quartett, 2021)
W.A. Mozart Streichquintett C‑Dur KV 515 3. Satz
Sulkhan Tsintsadze: Bauerntanz
Anna Leonova (Ukraine) — Ruinen (für Kuss Quartett, 2023)
Komitas Vardapet: Roter Schal & Festtagslied
W.A. Mozart: Streichquintett Es-Dur KV 614 4. Satz

Rittersaal, Celler Schloss

TV-Ausstrahlung am 23.Juli, 18 Uhr

May 2023


18/05/2023 20:30

@Teatro Sannazaro

Apr 2023


24/04/2023 20:00

W.A. Mozart, String Quartet No. 19 KV465 “Dissonanzenquartett”
L. van Beethoven: String Quartet Op.131



14/04/2023 19:30

Joseph Haydn: «Introduzione» aus Die sie­ben letz­ten Worte unse­res Erlösers am Kreuze
Franz Schubert: aus dem Quartett «Der Tod und das Mädchen» —  Scherzo. Allegro molto
Dmitri Schostakowitsch: aus dem Quartett Nr.8 op. 110 — 1.Satz Largo
Birke Bertelsmeier: Krise
Bedřich Smetana: Finale aus dem Quartett Nr.1 «Aus mei­nem Leben»
Leoš Janáček: Streichquartett Nr.1  «Kreutzersonate»
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: aus dem «Dissonanzenquartett» — 1.Satz Adagio — Allegro
Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett cis-Moll op. 131



Mar 2023


26/03/2023 19:00

Werke von Ludwig van Beethoven, George Aperghis, Manfred Trojahn, Helmut Lachenmann, György Kurtág, Johannes Fischer, Paul Hindemith, Frederic Rzewski, Iannis Xenakis und Thomas Adès

mit Bas Böttcher (Slam Poetry) & Johannes Fischer (Percussion)

Philharmonie Mercatorhalle


21/03/2023 20:30


@Teatro Lirico


19/03/2023 21:00


@Teatro del­la Pergola


08/03/2023 19:00

Russian Album: Peter Tschaikowsky, Alfred Schnittke und Igor Strawinsky
Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett Nr. 8 e‑Moll op. 59 Nr. 2




07/03/2023 19:30

Armenische, geor­gi­sche und rus­si­sche Miniaturen
Igor Strawinsky: 3 Stücke für Streichquartett (1914)
Concertino für Streichquartett (1920)
Peter I. Tschaikowsky: Andante can­ta­bi­le aus: Streichquartett Nr. 1 D‑Dur op. 11
Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett Nr. 8 e‑Moll op. 59/2 (Rasumowsky Quartett)

Jan 2023


25/01/2023 20:00

Beethoven: Streichquartett B‑Dur, op. 18 Nr. 6
Dowland: If my com­plaints could pas­si­ons move
Adson: Adson’s Ayre | The Furies
Coperario: Gray’s Inn
Van Eyck: The English Nightingale (aus dem “Fluyten Lust-hof”)
ter Schiphorst    „Sei gutes Muts“ für Blockflöte & Streichquartett
Bernstein: Variations on an Octatonic Scale für Blockflöte und Violoncello (1989)
Weidemann: Sonata F‑Dur op. 3 Nr. 3 für Blockflöte & zwei Violinen
Vivaldi: Concerto D‑Dur für Blockflöte & Streicher, RV 375

mit Maurice Steger, Blockflöte

Dec 2022


12/12/2022 20:00

Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: Streichquartett f‑Moll op. 80
Streichoktett Es-Dur op. 20 (mit dem casal Quartett)


Nov 2022

Rottenburg am Neckar

20/11/2022 19:00

@Zehntscheuer Rottenburg


10/11/2022 20:00

Carter & Mozart
mit Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Klavier

NDR Landesfunkhaus, Kleiner Sendesaal


Oct 2022


18/10/2022 20:00

Carter & Mozart

mit Pierre-Lauren Aimard, Klavier


14/10/2022 20:45

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Streichquartett Nr. 19 C‑Dur KV 465 ”Dissonanzen-Quartett”
Kuss Quartett: “Surprise”
Franz Schubert: Streichquintett C‑Dur D 956 op. posth. 163 (1828?)
@Accademia Perosi

Sep 2022


25/09/2022 20:00

@Elbphilharmonie, Großer Saal


17/09/2022 17:00

Sebastian Manz, Klarinette
Cédric Pescia, Klavier
Eva Mattes, Sprecherin
Ulrich Noethen, Sprecher
Volker Hagedorn, Text und sze­ni­sche Einrichtung

@Alte Oper Frankfurt


16/09/2022 18:00

Joseph Haydn: Streichquartett C‑Dur Hob. III:32 op. 20/2
Ludwig van Beethoven: Große Fuge B‑Dur op. 133 für Streichquartett
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Streichquartett Nr. 19 C‑Dur KV 465 ”Dissonanzen-Quartett”


Aug 2022


02/08/2022 20:08

Johannes Brahms: Quintett G‑Dur für zwei Violinen, zwei Violen und Violoncello, op. 111
Mark Andre (Uraufführung)
with Kim Kaskhashian, Viola

@VERDO Konzertsaal


01/08/2022 20:08

Werke von Mozart und Carter

with Pierre-Lauren Aimard, Piano

@VERDO Konzertsaal

Jul 2022


30/07/2022 15:03

Kokon (Uraufführung) – Mit Werken von Poppe, Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Fischer, Trojahn u.a.

Bas Böttcher – Slam Poetry
Yui Kawaguchi – Choreografie, Tanz
Ruben Reniers – Tanz
Johannes Fischer – Schlagzeug und Komposition
Kuss Quartett – Streichquartett

@VERDO Konzertsaal

Jun 2022

Reggio Emilia

10/06/2022 21:00

Mozart: Streichquartett C‑Dur Nr. 19 KV 465 “Dissonanzen”
Schubert: Streichquartett Nr. 14 “Der Tod und das Mädchen”

@Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Pietro

Masterclass Reggio Emilia

06/06/2022 — 11/06/2022

May 2022


23/05/2022 19:30

with Nico & the Navigators

@Schwetzingen, Schloss


01/05/2022 17:00

Mozart: Dissonanzenquartett
Schubert: Streichquartett d‑Moll


Apr 2022


24/04/2022 20:00

Klangbrücken Festival

Joseph Haydn: Introduktion aus »Die Sieben Letzten Worte unse­res Erlösers am Kreuze«
Joseph Haydn: Mich dürs­tet, aus »Die Sieben Letzten Worte unse­res Erlösers am Kreuze«
Franz Schubert: Scherzo aus »Der Tod und das Mädchen«
Béla Bartók: aus »Streichquartett Nr. 6«, 1. Satz, Mesto
Dmitri Schostakowitsch: aus »Streichquartett Nr. 8«, 1. Satz Largo
Birke Bertelmeier: »KRISE« (UA)
Leos Janacek: »Streichquartett Nr. 1«, »Kreutzersonate«
Felix Mendelssohn Bartzholdy: aus »Streichquartett Nr. 6« op.80, Adagio
Younghi Pagh-Paan: »Im Glanz des Sonnenuntergangs«

@Kleiner Sendesaal im NDR


17/04/2022 18:00

with Nico & the Navigators



16/04/2022 20:00

with Nico & the Navigators



15/04/2022 20:00

with Nico & the Navigators



14/04/2022 20:00

with Nico & the Navigators


Mar 2022


20/03/2022 18:00

with Bas Böttcher, Slam Poetrist

Residenzmuseum Schloß Neuhaus

Jan 2022


19/01/2022 20:15

Enno Poppe: Freizeit
Ludwig v. Beethoven: Op. 59/3
Ludwig v. Beethoven: Op. 135
Bruno Mantovani: Beethoveniana



17/01/2022 20:00

Poppe: “Freizeit”
Herchenröder: Poems and Variations
Mantovani: “Beethoveniana”
Beethoven: Streichquartett Nr.9 C‑Dur op. 59/3


16/01/2022 18:00

Poppe:  “Freizeit”
Beethoven: Streichquartett Nr. 9 C‑Dur op. 59/3
Streichquartett Nr. 16 F‑Dur op. 135
Mantovani: “Beethoveniana”



14/01/2022 21:00

Herchenröder: Poems and Variations
Poppe: “Freizeit”
Reimann: 7 Bagatellen au “Die schö­nen Augen der Frühlingsnacht”
Mantovani: “Beethoveniana”
Kurtág: Officium Breve


14/01/2022 19:30

Herchenröder: Poems and Variations
Poppe: “Freizeit”
Reimann: 7 Bagatellen au “Die schö­nen Augen der Frühlingsnacht”
Mantovani: “Beethoveniana”
Kurtág: Officium Breve


13/01/2022 17:00

with Maurice Steger, recorder

Dec 2021


15/12/2021 20:00

Francesco Rognoni da Taeggio: Divisions on Vestiva i colli
John Coperario: Al fol­goran­te sguardo
Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett Nr. 6 in B‑Dur op. 18, Nr. 6
Antonio Vivaldi: Flautiono-Concerto „Il Gardellino“ in D‑Dur RV 428

with Maurice Steger, recorder

@Scharoun Theater

Nov 2021


28/11/2021 19:00

Renaissancemusik von Dowland, van Eyck & Cooper
Vivaldi Concerto D Dur, RRV 375
Schubert Streichquartett G Dur
Iris ter Schiphorst (*1956): Sei gutes Muts (2021)

with Maurice Steger, recorder



28/11/2021 16:00

Renaissancemusik von Dowland, van Eyck & Cooper
Vivaldi Concerto D Dur, RRV 375
Schubert Streichquartett G Dur
Iris ter Schiphorst (*1956): Sei gutes Muts (2021)

with Maurice Steger, recorder



02/11/2021 20:15

Force & Freedom

Ludwig van Beethoven Große Fuge für Streichquartett B‑Dur op. 133
Ludwig van Beethoven Streichquartett F‑Dur op. 135

mit Nico & the Navigators

Oct 2021


24/10/2021 19:00

Poppe: „Freizeit“ für Streichquartett
Beethoven: Streichquartett a‑Moll op. 132
Schubert: Streichquintett C‑Dur D 956

with Miklós Perényi, Cello


22/10/2021 19:30

Beethoven, Kurtág, Lachenmann, Bach, Thomas Adés, Elliot Carter, George Benjamin

with Bas Böttcher

Sep 2021


18/09/2021 20:00

Aug 2021


03/08/2021 20:00

F. Schubert: Streichquintett C‑Dur

mit Mischa Maisky, Violoncello


02/08/2021 20:00

Iris ter Schiphorst (*1956): Auftragswerk der SMH für Blockflöte und Streichquartett (Uraufführung)
F. Schubert: Streichquartett G‑Dur

mit Maurice Steger, Blockflöte


01/08/2021 18:00

Schubert: Streichquartett G‑Dur D810
Widmann: 1. Quartett

Jul 2021


31/07/2021 16:00

Silent Songs into the wild – Staged Concert um Franz Schubert im Hier und Jetzt

Sommerliche Musiktage Hitzacker


28/07/2021 16:00

Beethoven: String Quartet Op. 18,3
Bruno Mantovani: “Beethoveniana”
Beethoven: String Quartet Op. 135

@Festival Internacional de Musica de Marvao

WEENER (Gezeitenkonzerte)

20/07/2021 20:00

Dowland, Birtwistle, van Eyck, Vivaldi, Beethoven u.a.

mit Maurice Steger, Blockflöte

WEENER (Gezeitenkonzerte)

20/07/2021 17:00

Dowland, Birtwistle, van Eyck, Vivaldi, Beethoven u.a.

mit Maurice Steger, Blockflöte

Jun 2021


25/06/2021 20:30

Ludwig van Beethoven:
Streichquartett op. 18/6
Streichquartett Nr. 16 F‑Dur op. 135
Streichquartett Nr. 8 e‑Moll op. 59/2

May 2021


30/05/2021 18:00

with Bas Böttcher

@Audienzsaal im Residenzmuseum Schloß Neuhaus

Schwetzingen — POSTPONED

29/05/2021 19:00

Force & Freedom”
with Nico & the Navigators

SWR Schwetzinger Festspiele

Hall in Tirol

25/05/2021 20:00

Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett Nr. 3 D‑Dur, op. 18,3
Franz Schubert: Der Tod und das Mädchen, Streichquartett Nr. 14, d‑moll, op. post., D 810
György Kurtág: Officium bre­ve in memo­ri­am Andreae Szervánszky, op. 28

Kurhaus Hall

Mar 2021

Bolzano — Streaming Concert

21/03/2021 20:00

W.A. Mozart: Jagd-Quartett KV 458
Enno Poppe. “Freizeit”
Kurtag: Officium breve
L.v. Beethoven: String Quartet Op. 135

Konservatorium Bolzano

Dec 2020

Force & Freedom” @ARTE Concert

21/12/2020 20:00

Künstlerische Leitung
Nicola Hümpel
Bühne Oliver Proske
Dramaturgie Andreas Hillger
Kostüm Nicola Hümpel und Anna Lechner
Von und mit Kuss Quartett
Violine Jana Kuss und Oliver Wille
Viola William Coleman
Violoncello Mikayel Hakhnazaryan
Gitarre und musi­ka­li­sche Adaptionen Tobias Weber
Tanz und Choreografie Yui Kawaguchi
Tenor und Performer Ted Schmitz
Performer Patric Schott
Künstlerische Mitarbeit Alexander Piasente
Lichtdesign Andreas Fuchs
Live Video Editing Hendrik Fritze und Sophie Krause
Bühnenbild Assistenz Sonja Winkler
Produktion Raphael Reher und Leonie Schirra
Filmregie Nicola Hümpel und Myriam Hoyer
Schnitt Arno Scholwin


20/12/2020 19:30

Force and Freedom”
with Nico and the Navigators



19/12/2020 19:30

Force and Freedom”
with Nico and the Navigators



18/12/2020 19:30

Force and Freedom”
with Nico and the Navigators



17/12/2020 19:30

Force and Freedom”
with Nico and the Navigators


Nov 2020

Gailingen — CANCELLED

22/11/2020 17:00

Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett Nr. 8 e‑Moll op. 59/2
Enno Poppe: “Freizeit” für Streichquartett
Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett Nr. 16 F‑Dur op. 135


Bingen am Rhein — CANCELLED

21/11/2020 19:30

Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett e‑Moll op. 59/2 ”Rasumowsky-Quartett“
Enno Poppe (*1969): “Freizeit”
Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett F‑Dur op. 135

@Villa Sachsen


06/11/2020 20:00

Ludwig van Beethoven:
Streichquartett Nr. 9 C‑Dur op. 59 Nr. 3
Streichquartett Nr. 14 cis-Moll op. 131

@Rhein-Mosel-Halle Koblenz

Oct 2020


18/10/2020 17:00

Kuss plus… — “per­cus­sion & slam poetry”

with Johannes Fischer (per­cus­sion) and Bas Böttcher (slam poetry)
Bach, Beethoven, Fischer, Kurtag, Poppe, Xenakis u.a.


12/10/2020 19:00

Ludwig van Beethoven:
Streichquartett B‑Dur op. 18, Nr. 6
Streichquartett F‑Dur op. 135
Streichquartett C‑Dur op. 59, Nr. 3

@Kieler Schloss

Aug 2020


01/08/2020 20:00

Beethoven! – Works by Beethoven, Mantovani, Fischer and others

with Johannes Fischer, Percussion

Jun 2020


26/06/2020 11:00

Beethoven: Streichquartett F‑Dur op. 135
Beethoven: Streichquartett C‑Dur op. 59 Nr. 3

Schloss Elmau


25/06/2020 20:00

Force & Freedom I with Nico and the Navigators

Ludwig van Beethoven: Große Fuge für Streichquartett B‑Dur op. 133
Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett F‑Dur op. 135

@ Kurtheater


25/06/2020 17:00

Beethoven: Streichquartett F‑Dur op. 135
Beethoven: Streichquartett C‑Dur op. 59 Nr. 3

Schloss Elmau


22/06/2020 19:30

Force & Freedom I with Nico and the Navigators

Ludwig van Beethoven: Große Fuge für Streichquartett B‑Dur op. 133
Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett F‑Dur op. 135

@ Orangerie Schloss Herrenhausen


21/06/2020 19:30

Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett A‑Dur op. 18,5
Streichquartett e‑Moll op. 59,2
Streichquartett cis-Moll op. 131

@ Orangerie, Schloss Herrenhausen


14/06/2020 18:00


Ludwig van Beethoven: Große Fuge für Streichquartett B‑Dur op. 133
Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett F‑Dur op. 135

@ Konzerthaus Dortmund


12/06/2020 20:00

Force & Freedom I with Nico and the Navigators

Ludwig van Beethoven: Große Fuge für Streichquartett B‑Dur op. 133
Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett F‑Dur op. 135

@ Palais des Beaux-Arts

May 2020


17/05/2020 18:00

with Bas Böttcher

Grand Hotel Heiligendamm


16/05/2020 18:00

Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett B‑Dur Op. 18 Nr. 6, F‑Dur Op.135, Op. 59 Nr. 3

Grand Hotel Heiligendamm


15/05/2020 19:00

Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett B‑Dur Op. 18 Nr. 6, F‑Dur Op.135, Op. 59 Nr. 3

Kieler Schloss, Kleiner Saal


03/05/2020 18:00

Force & Freedom I with Nico and the Navigators

Ludwig van Beethoven: Große Fuge für Streichquartett B‑Dur op. 133
Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett F‑Dur op. 135

@ Schloss, Schwetzingen


01/05/2020 19:00

Force & Freedom I with Nico and the Navigators

Ludwig van Beethoven: Große Fuge für Streichquartett B‑Dur op. 133
Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett F‑Dur op. 135

@ Schloss, Schwetzingen

Apr 2020


06/04/2020 20:15

Poppe: “Freizeit”
Beethoven: String Quartet Op. 59/1
B. Mantovani — “Beethoveniana”
Beethoven: String Quartet Op. 135


Mar 2020


17/03/2020 20:00

with Bas Böttcher



14/03/2020 19:30

with Bas Böttcher
Neue Aula


09/03/2020 20:00

rbb Klassik-Lounge
mit Bas Böttcher, Slam-Poetrist
@watergate Club

Feb 2020


06/02/2020 20:00

Aribert Reimann: 7 Bagatellen für Streichquartett (2017)
Enno Poppe: “Freizeit” für Streichquartett
Martin Herchenröder: „Poems and Variations“
Bruno Mantovani: Streichquartett Nr. 6 “Beethoveniana” (2018)
Ludwig van Beethoven: Streichquartett Nr. 14 cis-Moll op. 131

Apollo-Theater Siegen I20h00


04/02/2020 19:30

@ Wigmore Hall I 19h30



Beethoven: String Quartet in D, Op.18 No.3
György Kurtág: Officium breve
Beethoven: String Quartet in C sharp minor, Op 131

@St George’s Hall Concert Room I 14h30

Jan 2020


13/01/2020 19:00

Enno Poppe: Freizeit
Ludwig van Beethoven: String Quartet Op. 59/1
Bruno Mantovani:  “Beethoveniana”

String Quartet Biennale
Philharmonie de Paris

Nov 2019


19/11/2019 20:00

Beethoven op. 133



18/11/2019 20:00

Ludwig van Beethoven:
Streichquartett op. 18/1
Streichquartett op. 130/ op.133 (Große Fuge)


11/11/2019 — 18/11/2019 Festival (Artistic Director: Dénes Várjon & Izabella Simon)

Oct 2019


20/10/2019 15:00

Beethoven: String Quartets Op. 18/4 C Minor, Op. 74 E flat Major,
Op. 130 B Major with Große Fuge Op. 133

@Orangerie Herrenhausen, 15h00


20/10/2019 11:00

Beethoven: String Quartet Op. 95 F Minor, Op. 127 E flat Major

@Orangerie Herrenhausen, 11h00


19/10/2019 18:00

String Quartets Op. 18/3 D Major, Op. 59/1 F Major, Op. 18/1 F Major
Mantovani: Beethoveniana (German Premiere)

@Orangerie Herrenhausen, 18h00


09/10/2019 20:00


Philharmonic Hall

Sep 2019


22/09/2019 11:30

Mozart / Brahms

@Wigmore Hall, 11h30


21/09/2019 13:00


20/09/2019 19:00

Poppe/ Reimann/ Trojahn
Beethoven op. 135


07/09/2019 20:00

Enno Poppe. Freizeit
Mozart: String Quartet B‑Dur K458
Reimann: 7 Bagatelles for
Schumann: Piano Quintet Op. 44 with Dirk Mommertz

Schloss Weikersheim

Aug 2019


13/08/2019 20:00

Enno Poppe:  „Freizeit“ für Streichquartett (2016)
Beethoven: Quartett für zwei Violinen, Viola und Violoncello Nr. 9 C‑Dur op. 59,3
Schubert: Quintett für zwei Violinen, Viola und zwei Violoncelli C‑Dur D 956 op. post. 163

mit Benedict Kloeckner, Violoncello

Jul 2019


27/07/2019 16:00

Aribert Reimann: „Die schö­nen Augen der Frühlingsnacht“
Sechs Lieder für Sopran und Streichquartett von Theodor Kirchner nach Gedichten von Heinrich Heine, bear­bei­tet und ver­bun­den mit Sieben Bagatellen für Streichquartett

Arnold Schönberg: Streichquartett Nr. 2 fis-Moll op. 10

mit Sarah Maria Sun, Sopran

VERDO, 16h00


25/07/2019 20:00

Aribert Reimann (*1936): Ollea — Vier Gedichte von Heinrich Heine für Sopran solo
„Die schö­nen Augen der Frühlingsnacht“

Arnold Schönberg: Streichquartett Nr. 2 fis-Moll op. 10 mit Sopranstimme

mit Sarah Maria Sun, Sopran

Aribert Reimann (Moderation)
Raoul-Philip Schmidt (Moderation)



Fredener Musiktage

Jun 2019


22/06/2019 20:00

Beethoven: String Quartets Op. 59/1 & Op. 133



Gala Concert

@ Suntory Hall I 14h00


14/06/2019 20:00

Beethoven: String Quartets Op. 18/1, Op. 135 & Op. 59/3


13/06/2019 19:00

The Beethoven Cycle V

Beethoven: String Quartet No. 14 in C‑sharp Minor, Op. 131
Beethoven: String Quartet No. 16 in F Major, Op. 135
Mantovani: Quatuor à cor­des N°6, “Beethoveniana” (World Premiere, co-commissioned)

@ Suntory Hall I 19h00


11/06/2019 19:00

The Beethoven Cycle IV

String Quartet No. 15 in A Minor, Op. 132
String Quartet No. 13 in B‑flat Major, Op. 130, “Grosse Fuge”

@ Suntory Hall I 19h00


08/06/2019 19:00

The Beethoven Cycle III

String Quartet No. 10 in E‑flat Major, Op. 74, “Harp”
String Quartet No. 11 in F Minor, Op. 95, “Serioso”
String Quartet No. 12 in E‑flat Major, Op. 127

@ Suntory Hall I 19h00


05/06/2019 19:00

The Beethoven Cycle II

String Quartet No. 7 in F Major, Op. 59, No. 1, “Razumovsky No. 1”
String Quartet No. 8 in E Minor, Op. 59, No. 2, “Razumovsky No. 2”
String Quartet No. 9 in C Major, Op. 59, No. 3, “Razumovsky No. 3”

@Suntory Hall I 19h00


02/06/2019 14:00

The Beethoven Cycle I
String Quartet No. 3 in D Major, Op. 18, No. 3
String Quartet No. 2 in G Major, Op. 18, No. 2
String Quartet No. 1 in F Major, Op. 18, No. 1
String Quartet No. 5 in A Major, Op. 18, No. 5
String Quartet No. 4 in C Minor, Op. 18, No. 4
String Quartet No. 6 in B‑flat Major, Op. 18, No. 6

@ Suntory Hall I 14h00

May 2019



Beethoven & Poppe

@ Wigmore Hall I 13h00


21/05/2019 20:30

Beethoven: Streichquartette Op. 59, Nr. 1, 2 & 3

La Scène natio­na­le d’Orléans, 20h30



mit Bas Böttcher (Slam Poetry)

@WDR Funkhaus, Kleiner Saal, 19h00

Apr 2019


30/04/2019 20:00

Igor Strawinski — Concertino für Streichquartett
Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowski — Auswahl aus dem „Kinderalbum“ für Klavier op. 39 (Fassungen für Streichquartett)
Igor Strawinski — Drei Stücke für Streichquartett
Sulchan Tsintsadze — Georgische Miniaturen
Komitas Vardapet — Armenische Miniaturen
Ludwig van Beethoven — Streichquartett Nr. 9 C‑Dur op. 59/3

@ Tiroler Landeskonservatorium | 20h00


28/04/2019 20:00

Streichquartette von Beethoven

@ Eduard-Söring-Saal Stormanschule Ahrensburg | 20h00

Mar 2019


23/03/2019 15:00

Klangwelt Klassik”

Aribert Reimann — 7 Bagatellen (2017)
Ludwig van Beethoven — Nr. 16 F‑Dur op. 135
Ludwig van Beethoven — Nr. 15 a‑Moll op. 132

@ Konzertsaal Rainer-Maria-Rilke Gymnasium | 19h30


22/03/2019 19:30

Ludwig van Beethoven / György Kurtág / Ludwig van Beethoven
György Kurtág / Helmut Lachenmann / Johann Sebastian Bach / Thomas Adès
Elliott Carter / György Kurtág / Ludwig van Beethoven

@ Konzertsaal Rainer-Maria-Rilke Gymnasium | 19h30



Beethoven-Zyklus VI

@Piano Salon Christophori |20h00



Beethoven-Zyklus V

@Piano Salon Christophori | 20h00

Feb 2019


09/02/2019 17:00

@ St. Nicolai Church Lidköping | 17h00


08/02/2019 19:00

@ Boras Konstmuseum | 19h00


07/02/2019 19:00

@ Kulturbruket pa Dal | 19h00

Jan 2019


28/01/2019 20:00

@ water­ga­te — Klassik Lounge, kul­tur­ra­dio rbb
mit Olga Scheps, Klavier I 20h00

Dec 2018


08/12/2018 19:30

Johannes Brahms — Streichquartett B‑Dur op. 67
Aribert Reimann — Sieben Bagatellen für Streichquartett
Enno Poppe — »Freizeit« für Streichquartett
Ludwig van Beethoven — Streichquartett a‑Moll op. 132

@ Elbphilharmonie, Kleiner Saal | 19h30

Nov 2018


12/11/2018 0:00

@watergate — Klassik Lounge I 20h00



@ Insel Hombroich, Scheune I 11h00


09/11/2018 20:00

Johannes Brahms: Streichquartett B‑Dur op. 67
Manfred Trojahn: 5. Streichquartett (Uraufführung)

@Sendesaal des NDR I 20h00

Oct 2018


22/10/2018 — 23/10/2018

Mozart/Beethoven: Streichquintette mit Finalisten des Joseph-Joachim Violinwettbewerbs


19/10/2018 20:00

@ Klinikum Schloss Winnenden, Andachtssaal | 20h00


05/10/2018 19:30

Max-Reger Tage

Max Reger — Streichquartett Es-Dur, op. 109
Ludwig van Beethoven — Streichquartett Nr. 14, cis-Moll, op. 131

@ Sparkasse Oberpfalz Nord, Weiden | 19h30

Sep 2018


06/09/2018 20:00

Weinberg: Klavierquintett

mit Olga Scheps, Klavier

Jul 2018


28/07/2018 — 06/08/2018

@ Verdo Kultur- und Tageszentrum


25/07/2018 20:00

Beethoven-Zyklus II

@ Piano Salon Christophori I 20h00


23/07/2018 20:00

Beethoven-Zyklus III

@ Piano Salon Christophori I 20h00

Jun 2018


03/06/2018 11:30

@ Wigmore Hall

May 2018

Concert in Saint-Denis

24/05/2018 20:00

@ Eglise Saint-Paul de La Plaine

Concert in Saint-Denis

24/05/2018 12:30

@ Eglise Saint-Paul de La Plaine

Concert in Saint-Denis

24/05/2018 10:00

@ Eglise Saint-Paul de La Plaine

Concert in Ravensburg

19/05/2018 20:00

@ Festsaal Weißenau

Concert in Zurich

13/05/2018 19:30

@ Tonhalle Maag

Mar 2018

Concert in Hamburg

30/03/2018 17:30

@ Elbphilharmonie, Kleider Saal

Concert in Manchester

19/03/2018 19:30

@ Concert Hall, Royal Northern College of Music


16/03/2018 19:30

@ Wigmore Hall

Concert @ Musikwoche Hitzacker

04/03/2018 17:00

@ Verdo Kultur- und Tagungszentrum

Feb 2018

Concert in Stuttgart

21/02/2018 20:00

@ Liederhalle Stuttgart, Mozartsaal

Concert in Budapest

18/02/2018 19:00

@ Solti Hall, Liszt Academy

Concert in Berlin

16/02/2018 20:00

@ Piano Salon Christophori


Can you hear crisis?

BBC Music Magazine:
“… the play­ing is exqui­si­te­ly jud­ged, shif­ting bet­ween fra­gi­li­ty and strength, ali­en­ati­on and fami­lia­ri­ty. The recor­ded sound is inti­ma­te, crea­ting com­pel­ling sonic affinities.”

„It’s a high-con­cept offe­ring, almost a play­list of music to des­pair to, and a stoic remin­der, per­haps, of the trau­mas that composers
have expe­ri­en­ced in the past, plus three spe­ci­al­ly com­mis­sio­ned con­tem­po­ra­ry reflec­tions on our cur­rent dif­fi­cul­ties. There’s a certain
frus­tra­ti­on at most­ly hea­ring only excis­ed move­ments from lon­ger works, but sur­ren­der to that approach and this album’s more than 80-min­u­­te dura­ti­on makes for an immense­ly powerful, moving and emo­tio­nal­ly drai­ning lis­ten. (..) It’s a wit­ti­ly mischie­vous con­cept, but in many ways also the most des­pai­ring of all the music on this bril­li­ant­ly con­cei­ved, pro­found­ly affec­ting release.“

Tagesspiegel: Kann man die Krise hören?

Radio Ö1: “Dem Kuss Quartett ist damit ein so inter­es­san­tes wie berüh­ren­des Konzeptalbum gelun­gen. Es zeigt, wel­che Kraft und Relevanz, aber auch trös­ten­de Wirkung Musik ent­fal­ten kann, wenn sie aus per­sön­li­chen, poli­ti­schen oder the­ma­ti­schen Zwängen entsteht.”

NDR /Christoph Vratz:
“Dem Kuss Quartett ist eine the­ma­tisch auf­schluss­rei­che, künst­le­risch sehr dif­fe­ren­zier­te Einspielung gelun­gen, die durch ihre sti­lis­ti­sche Vielfalt über­zeugt. Es gibt immer noch Formen der Krise, die einen opti­mis­tisch stimmen.“




From ‘free time’ (our last album was cal­led ‘Berlin FREETime’) to ‘CRISIS’ … For after the cul­tu­ral was­te­land of the pan­de­mic years of 2020/21, we are forced to ack­now­ledge that our lives in the socie­ties we live and work in aren’t loo­king much bet­ter. Instead of the new free­dom we had hoped for and the blos­so­ming of new artis­tic col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons in a hap­pier time free of cares and worries, war in Europe bro­ke out, to the alarm and con­s­ter­na­ti­on of us all, brin­ging des­truc­tion, ter­ror and death as well as mas­si­ve issues.

Krise/Crisis draws upon music com­po­sed over the past 250 years that embraces emo­tio­nal turm­oil, suf­fe­ring, and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal stres­ses. Some of the music was com­po­sed during peri­ods of deep per­so­nal trau­ma for the com­po­sers which include, Haydn, Shostakovich, Mendelssohn, Janacek, Schubert, Bartok and more. This is music for our trou­bled times.

Recorded on the label Rubicon Classics the album is available as a digi­tal ver­si­on at the end of November and as a phy­si­cal ver­si­on from January 2023.

The works by Birke Bertelsmeier and Francesco Ciurlo bene­fi­ted from the spon­sor­ship of the German Music Competition. Óscar Escudero’s work recei­ved con­cept fun­ding from the State of Lower Saxony as part of the Musik21 pro­gram­me. The pro­ject as a who­le is the reci­pi­ent of a grant from the German Federal Cultural Foundation. Our pro­duc­tion part­ner was Bavarian Broadcasting.
Many thanks to them all!

Next concerts

Next concerts

Unfortunately, our live per­for­man­ces are still very limi­t­ed, the first time we can be tog­e­ther on stage is June 14th at the Konzerthaus Dortmund. Together with our fri­ends from Nico & the Navigators the pro­gram “NOW — Force and Freedom, Beethoven Variations in Corona Times” will be per­for­med. We are very gra­teful that the Konzerthaus Dortmund is a part­ner in at least a par­ti­al rea­liza­ti­on of our spe­cial Beethoven project.
Further con­certs in Hanover, at Schloss Elmau and at the Hitzacker Summer Music Festival are still planned,but have not yet been final­ly deci­ded / con­firm­ed. We will keep you up to date and hope that we can pro­vi­de you with more good news and of cour­se live music again soon.
Yours sin­ce­re­ly, the Kuss Quartet

“Force and Freedom” — digital version

Force and Freedom” — digital version

Together with the Kuss Quartet, the ensem­ble Nico and the Navigators wan­ted to con­tri­bu­te to the Beethoven year 2020 an extra­or­di­na­ry per­for­mance on various euro­pean stages: the title was “Force and Freedom”, they wan­ted «music in the exis­ten­ti­al ten­si­on bet­ween exter­nal cons­traints and inner free­dom with its indis­so­lu­b­le con­trast bet­ween explo­re sub­jec­ti­ve desi­res and objec­ti­ve rea­li­ty in which Beethoven had to move and assert throug­hout his life. »
The pre­mie­re would have taken place on May 1, 2020 as part of the Schwetzingen SWR Festival, fur­ther per­for­man­ces were plan­ned at Kissinger Sommer, the Konzerthaus Dortmund, at BOZAR Brussels and Radialsystem Berlin.

On March 18, 2020, rehear­sals had to be stop at the Berlin Ufer stu­di­os, the pre­mie­re on May 1, 2020, tog­e­ther with the enti­re Schwetzingen Festival, has been can­ce­led and is now post­po­ned to next year.

At the begin­ning of April, howe­ver, an online pro­ject was initia­ted, which is based on the work on Force and Freedom and in addi­ti­on to the ques­ti­ons asked the­re, also nego­tia­tes the cur­rent rest­ric­tions on life. In short, fast or medi­ta­ti­ve clips, which are based on the com­ple­te recor­ding of all Beethoven Quartets, indi­vi­du­al minia­tures of the artists are put tog­e­ther, which as a gro­wing digi­tal dia­ry are small memo­ries such as time cap­su­les or remi­nis­cen­ces of the pre­sent situa­ti­on of social distancing.

It is a tech­ni­que bey­ond the usu­al strea­ming: the choice of the pie­ces and the cut of the sce­nes put the snapshots in con­text and deve­lop a who­le, a digi­tal sta­ging out of frag­ments. This method can­not replace the com­mon expe­ri­ence of a phy­si­cal per­for­mance. Rather, the work is an expres­si­on of the individual’s lon­ging for each other, which should be pre­ser­ved as a las­ting expe­ri­ence from this crisis. ”

The indi­vi­du­al sequen­ces can alre­a­dy be fol­lo­wed on social media. The enti­re dia­ry you can watch HERE.

At the end of this path the­re is an extra­or­di­na­ry memo­ry game, which can be put tog­e­ther from a sel­ec­tion of a total of 29 clips. If you find the right solu­ti­on, you can take part in the raff­le of tickets at Schwetzinger Festspiele 2021!

Kuss @IDAGIO Live

Kuss @IDAGIO Live

The Kuss Quartet is invi­ted at IDAGIO Live for a litt­le series with four epi­so­des start­ing April 29th — along­side with artists like Iván Fischer, Kirill Gerstein, Thomas Hampson and others, pre­sen­ting their recor­dings, musi­cal ide­as and insights on the Classical Streaming App.
Every Wednesday from 7 pm: CLICK

Out Now! All Beethoven Quartets Live from Suntory Hall

Out Now! All Beethoven Quartets Live from Suntory Hall

We are immense­ly hap­py to pre­sent you the result from many years of our quar­tet life.
Finally, the CD box with 8 CDs have just been released at Rubicon Classics.
Many thanks to our sound engi­neer Dirk Fischer, the Nippon Music Fondation for the loan of the Stradivari quar­tet, to the Henle Verlag for the Urtext mate­ri­al, to the Suntory Hall Tokyo for the gre­at coope­ra­ti­on and many num­e­rous hel­pers, sup­port­ers and sponsors.
We wish our audi­ence lot of joy and plea­su­re at their homes while lis­tening to the album!
Available here:
Amazon UK
IDAGIO, Spotify und iTunes

Concerts cancelled

Concerts cancelled

Dear fri­ends, dear fans,

unfort­u­na­te­ly we have to let you know that our con­certs in Warstein, Paderborn, Kleve as well as Hameln and Amsterdam have been can­ce­led or post­po­ned. The coro­na­vi­rus pan­de­mic has rea­ched Germany as well.
If you like, you can purcha­se our new CD, which will be released on March 27th and at least lis­ten to our Beethoven cycle at home! We hope for bet­ter times soon, stay healt­hy and safe,

best regards from the Kuss Quartet

Highlights 2019/20

Highlights 2019/20

The Kuss Quartet con­ti­nues per­forming Beethovens String Quartet cycle in the upco­ming sea­son, which they will per­form in seve­ral con­certs in October & March in Hanover. Furthermore, the ensem­ble appears twice at Wigmore Hall London, at the Quartet Biennale in Paris and at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam as well as in many other cities such as Berlin, Hamburg, Kiel, Dannenberg. Siegen, Kleve, Paderborn, Heiligendamm and Schloss Elmau.
The four of them are deligh­ted about the invi­ta­ti­on by Hungarian pia­nist Dénes Várjon to his cham­ber music fes­ti­val in November 2019 in Budapest, whe­re they will per­form with Várjon hims­elf and again with cel­list Miklós Perényi.
The inten­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Nico & the Navigators will be con­tin­ued for the Beethoven pro­ject “Force & Freedom” with its pre­mie­re at the Schwetzinger Festspiele in May 2020.
Further per­for­man­ces will take place at Konzerthaus Dortmund, Palais de Beaux-Arts Brussels and at the Kissinger Sommer Festival. All details and links can be found HERE.

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