We are immense­ly hap­py to pre­sent you the result from many years of our quar­tet life.
Finally, the CD box with 8 CDs have just been released at Rubicon Classics.
Many thanks to our sound engi­neer Dirk Fischer, the Nippon Music Fondation for the loan of the Stradivari quar­tet, to the Henle Verlag for the Urtext mate­ri­al, to the Suntory Hall Tokyo for the gre­at coope­ra­ti­on and many num­e­rous hel­pers, sup­port­ers and sponsors.
We wish our audi­ence lot of joy and plea­su­re at their homes while lis­tening to the album!
Available here:
Amazon UK
IDAGIO, Spotify und iTunes