The Kuss Quartet con­ti­nues per­forming Beethovens String Quartet cycle in the upco­ming sea­son, which they will per­form in seve­ral con­certs in October & March in Hanover. Furthermore, the ensem­ble appears twice at Wigmore Hall London, at the Quartet Biennale in Paris and at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam as well as in many other cities such as Berlin, Hamburg, Kiel, Dannenberg. Siegen, Kleve, Paderborn, Heiligendamm and Schloss Elmau.
The four of them are deligh­ted about the invi­ta­ti­on by Hungarian pia­nist Dénes Várjon to his cham­ber music fes­ti­val in November 2019 in Budapest, whe­re they will per­form with Várjon hims­elf and again with cel­list Miklós Perényi.
The inten­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Nico & the Navigators will be con­tin­ued for the Beethoven pro­ject “Force & Freedom” with its pre­mie­re at the Schwetzinger Festspiele in May 2020.
Further per­for­man­ces will take place at Konzerthaus Dortmund, Palais de Beaux-Arts Brussels and at the Kissinger Sommer Festival. All details and links can be found HERE.