From ‘free time’ (our last album was cal­led ‘Berlin FREETime’) to ‘CRISIS’ … For after the cul­tu­ral was­te­land of the pan­de­mic years of 2020/21, we are forced to ack­now­ledge that our lives in the socie­ties we live and work in aren’t loo­king much bet­ter. Instead of the new free­dom we had hoped for and the blos­so­ming of new artis­tic col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons in a hap­pier time free of cares and worries, war in Europe bro­ke out, to the alarm and con­s­ter­na­ti­on of us all, brin­ging des­truc­tion, ter­ror and death as well as mas­si­ve issues.

Krise/Crisis draws upon music com­po­sed over the past 250 years that embraces emo­tio­nal turm­oil, suf­fe­ring, and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal stres­ses. Some of the music was com­po­sed during peri­ods of deep per­so­nal trau­ma for the com­po­sers which include, Haydn, Shostakovich, Mendelssohn, Janacek, Schubert, Bartok and more. This is music for our trou­bled times.

Recorded on the label Rubicon Classics the album is available as a digi­tal ver­si­on at the end of November and as a phy­si­cal ver­si­on from January 2023.

The works by Birke Bertelsmeier and Francesco Ciurlo bene­fi­ted from the spon­sor­ship of the German Music Competition. Óscar Escudero’s work recei­ved con­cept fun­ding from the State of Lower Saxony as part of the Musik21 pro­gram­me. The pro­ject as a who­le is the reci­pi­ent of a grant from the German Federal Cultural Foundation. Our pro­duc­tion part­ner was Bavarian Broadcasting.
Many thanks to them all!