Together with the Kuss Quartet, the ensem­ble Nico and the Navigators wan­ted to con­tri­bu­te to the Beethoven year 2020 an extra­or­di­na­ry per­for­mance on various euro­pean stages: the title was “Force and Freedom”, they wan­ted «music in the exis­ten­ti­al ten­si­on bet­ween exter­nal cons­traints and inner free­dom with its indis­so­lu­b­le con­trast bet­ween explo­re sub­jec­ti­ve desi­res and objec­ti­ve rea­li­ty in which Beethoven had to move and assert throug­hout his life. »
The pre­mie­re would have taken place on May 1, 2020 as part of the Schwetzingen SWR Festival, fur­ther per­for­man­ces were plan­ned at Kissinger Sommer, the Konzerthaus Dortmund, at BOZAR Brussels and Radialsystem Berlin.

On March 18, 2020, rehear­sals had to be stop at the Berlin Ufer stu­di­os, the pre­mie­re on May 1, 2020, tog­e­ther with the enti­re Schwetzingen Festival, has been can­ce­led and is now post­po­ned to next year.

At the begin­ning of April, howe­ver, an online pro­ject was initia­ted, which is based on the work on Force and Freedom and in addi­ti­on to the ques­ti­ons asked the­re, also nego­tia­tes the cur­rent rest­ric­tions on life. In short, fast or medi­ta­ti­ve clips, which are based on the com­ple­te recor­ding of all Beethoven Quartets, indi­vi­du­al minia­tures of the artists are put tog­e­ther, which as a gro­wing digi­tal dia­ry are small memo­ries such as time cap­su­les or remi­nis­cen­ces of the pre­sent situa­ti­on of social distancing.

It is a tech­ni­que bey­ond the usu­al strea­ming: the choice of the pie­ces and the cut of the sce­nes put the snapshots in con­text and deve­lop a who­le, a digi­tal sta­ging out of frag­ments. This method can­not replace the com­mon expe­ri­ence of a phy­si­cal per­for­mance. Rather, the work is an expres­si­on of the individual’s lon­ging for each other, which should be pre­ser­ved as a las­ting expe­ri­ence from this crisis. ”

The indi­vi­du­al sequen­ces can alre­a­dy be fol­lo­wed on social media. The enti­re dia­ry you can watch HERE.

At the end of this path the­re is an extra­or­di­na­ry memo­ry game, which can be put tog­e­ther from a sel­ec­tion of a total of 29 clips. If you find the right solu­ti­on, you can take part in the raff­le of tickets at Schwetzinger Festspiele 2021!