Out now!

Out now!

Our new recor­ding is released — you can lis­ten to it or buy it HERE! And we even recei­ved the first review: “What an exci­ting cham­ber music recor­ding!” (Guido Fischer, Rondomagazin)

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Schubert, ter Schiphorst & Andre

Schubert, ter Schiphorst & Andre

A new album will be released by Rubicon Classics very soon: we have recor­ded Franz Schubert’s most famous string quar­tet, Death and the Maiden, and com­bi­ned it on a CD with “Sei gutes Muts” by Iris…

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This is Kuss: An Animated Journey

This is Kuss: An Animated Journey

We proud­ly pre­sent our new music video: A col­la­ge of excerp­ts from works that have been our com­pa­n­ions over the last 20 years; works that we love and admi­re, some of which we pre­mie­red; music we…

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Music on the island — Festival Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Music on the island — Festival Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

We are deligh­ted to be invi­ted by the Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, to their Inselmusik, which is a String Quartet Festival at the begin­ning of September! We were invol­ved in the pro­gram plan­ning and invi­ted two young “up-and-coming” quar­tets, the Chaos Quartet…

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We are deligh­ted to be taking part in the fan­ta­stic “Trame Sonore” fes­ti­val in Mantova this year, whe­re we will be play­ing with Alexander Lonquich, among others. This should be the start of fur­ther encounters.

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Can you hear crisis?

Can you hear crisis?

BBC Music Magazine: “… the play­ing is exqui­si­te­ly jud­ged, shif­ting bet­ween fra­gi­li­ty and strength, ali­en­ati­on and fami­lia­ri­ty. The recor­ded sound is inti­ma­te, crea­ting com­pel­ling sonic affi­ni­ties.” The Strad: „It’s a high-con­cept offe­ring, almost a play­list of music…

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—–COMING SOON—- From ‘free time’ (our last album was cal­led ‘Berlin FREETime’) to ‘CRISIS’ … For after the cul­tu­ral was­te­land of the pan­de­mic years of 2020/21, we are forced to ack­now­ledge that our lives in the socie­ties we live and work in aren’t loo­king much…

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“Sei gutes Muts” — Video Release

Sei gutes Muts” — Video Release

We are plea­sed to release our music video “Sei gutes Muts” by the gre­at com­po­ser Iris ter Schiphorst. Premiered in sum­mer 2021, it was com­mis­sio­ned by us and Maurice Steger as well as the Sommerliche Musiktage Hitzacker and recor­ded as a music video at the end of…

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“Force and Freedom” — digi­tal version

Force and Freedom” — digi­tal version

Together with the Kuss Quartet, the ensem­ble Nico and the Navigators wan­ted to con­tri­bu­te to the Beethoven year 2020 an extra­or­di­na­ry per­for­mance on various euro­pean stages: the title was “Force and Freedom”, they wan­ted «music in the exis­ten­ti­al ten­si­on between…

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Out now!

Out now!

Our new recor­ding is released — you can lis­ten to it or buy it HERE! And we even recei­ved the first review: “What an exci­ting cham­ber music recor­ding!” (Guido Fischer, Rondomagazin)

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Schubert, ter Schiphorst & Andre

Schubert, ter Schiphorst & Andre

A new album will be released by Rubicon Classics very soon: we have recor­ded Franz Schubert’s most famous string quar­tet, Death and the Maiden, and com­bi­ned it on a CD with “Sei gutes Muts” by Iris…

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This is Kuss: An Animated Journey

This is Kuss: An Animated Journey

We proud­ly pre­sent our new music video: A col­la­ge of excerp­ts from works that have been our com­pa­n­ions over the last 20 years; works that we love and admi­re, some of which we pre­mie­red; music we…

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We are deligh­ted to be taking part in the fan­ta­stic “Trame Sonore” fes­ti­val in Mantova this year, whe­re we will be play­ing with Alexander Lonquich, among others. This should be the start of further…

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Can you hear crisis?

Can you hear crisis?

BBC Music Magazine: “… the play­ing is exqui­si­te­ly jud­ged, shif­ting bet­ween fra­gi­li­ty and strength, ali­en­ati­on and fami­lia­ri­ty. The recor­ded sound is inti­ma­te, crea­ting com­pel­ling sonic…

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—–COMING SOON—- From ‘free time’ (our last album was cal­led ‘Berlin FREETime’) to ‘CRISIS’ … For after the cul­tu­ral was­te­land of the pan­de­mic years of 2020/21, we are forced to acknowledge…

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“Sei gutes Muts” — Video Release

Sei gutes Muts” — Video Release

We are plea­sed to release our music video “Sei gutes Muts” by the gre­at com­po­ser Iris ter Schiphorst. Premiered in sum­mer 2021, it was com­mis­sio­ned by us and Maurice Steger as well as the…

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