We proud­ly pre­sent our new music video:

A col­la­ge of excerp­ts from works that have been our com­pa­n­ions over the last 20 years; works that we love and admi­re, some of which we pre­mie­red; music we feel at home with, pre­sen­ted in an zig­zag, unsys­te­ma­tic and allu­si­ve way. Our quar­tet histo­ry in six minu­tes, under­pin­ned by an ani­ma­ti­on crea­ted spe­ci­al­ly by Meejin Hong.

Is this allo­wed? Of cour­se — we belie­ve so. Clear the stage for “This is Kuss: An Animated Journey”!

We are gra­teful to Meejin, Magda Zieba (direc­tor) & Dirk Fischer (sound).