We are plea­sed to release our music video “Sei gutes Muts” by the gre­at com­po­ser Iris ter Schiphorst.
Premiered in sum­mer 2021, it was com­mis­sio­ned by us and Maurice Steger as well as the Sommerliche Musiktage Hitzacker and recor­ded as a music video at the end of 2021.
Together with direc­tor Magda Zieba, her team and sound engi­neer Dirk Fischer, a pro­duc­tion was crea­ted that spec­ta­cu­lar­ly imple­ments the digi­tal music video for­mat with con­tem­po­ra­ry music.

The per­for­mers face up to their own chall­enge of using this medi­um, which is not so usu­al in our busi­ness, in an artis­tic and crea­ti­ve way and lea­ving a las­ting impres­si­on on the sen­ses — at as space in the heart of Berlin which was very important to the “out­side of the box” path of the Kuss Quartet.
“Sei gutes Muts” is moving bet­ween cri­sis and hope, bet­ween life and death, bet­ween the past and the pre­sent with the help of sonic spec­tra, unu­su­al forms and the unu­su­al com­mit­ment of the five musicians.”